April 4, 2011

Final Design Assignment 2 and Movie online

The final design for assignment 2 and the movie are uploaded on our blog, as you can see in the navigation tabs. Feel free to review them and add comments. We're looking forward to see your opinions and comments! We wish all the other VCD groups good luck with the final tasks!
Route K

Kind regards,

Dave, Jerome, Maarten and Ralf

March 30, 2011

User testing preparations

The final deliverable includes testing the two versions of the Delft Circle. Today VCD Group A prepared the testing phase. We printed out 22 A5-sized questionnaires which can be filled in very easily on the streets. Since the test should be performed somewhere outside Delft, we decided to travel to the convivial city of Eindhoven. The questionnaires will gives us insight which route visitors will chose and some additional background information. We're all looking forward to test our final results. To be continued.

March 29, 2011

Movie progression

Beside the two A3 posters for the final assignment we have to make a 'self running presentation (movie) of the project'. With the experienced gathered from the ITD Video Lecture - Steven Fokkinga and the Guestlecture about Movie Making by Bob Aardewerk we give it a start. Preparation is from crucial importance while making movies. The picture below gives an indication of the scenario we're going to use for the movie. In addition we're all looking for suited background music in order to stimulate the emotion we would like to communicatie: 'feeling lost'

VCD meeting though Skype

Assignment 2 is progress, the final preparations are being discussed through Skype, as you can see below

Interesting visual animation company

The web-surfers from VCD Group A encountered this interesting company "Grote Brokken", creating masterpieces of visual communications. You can view their website over here: http://www.grotebrokken.nl/