March 10, 2011

Assignment 2 proposal 1

This is the first idea of assignment 2


  1. Wow! Looks nice!

    I guess that there will be some text under the buildings, if not new visitors couldn't understand the interesting points of the route.

    Group S

  2. Are you going to do this every week? Would be great progress! Keep up the good work!

  3. Hi there!

    We have seen the concept pictures but we could not reply on those.

    We thought the assignment was with a circle in mind but having said this (because we eventually used a circle) it is not that clear in the description of the assignment.

    Very neat to see you guys did the same thing with the route planner in Google maps and a very nice idea to maintain the generated route in the visual representation of the route.

    The final concept is a bit sterile because of the icons but very crisp and clear nonetheless. Persuading the user to walk a certain way with the blocks or stripes representing the route is also done pretty well.

    We feel that the concept is strong and are interested to see your end result(s).

    Group L
